A month of Stany goodness.

At last count (as in, I just counted five minutes ago), I have twenty-two unwatched films on the DVR, all of which I have recorded from TCM over the past two months. And though it wasn’t by design, I realized recently that five of these movies feature Barbara Stanwyck. To top that off, I also recently acquired three DVDs starring Stanwyck, all of which I have yet to view (and one of which has yet to be opened!).

I have a point in mentioning this, and it is this: I think April will be the month of Stanwyck on True Classics. After all, I’ve made no secret of my love for Babs in the past. In my mind, she is one of the greatest actresses to ever grace the screen–insanely beautiful, insanely talented, insanely witty. What better way to pay homage to one of my very favorite screen sirens than to dedicate an entire month’s worth of posts to her?

It feels doubly appropriate considering that a new biography of the actress, Barbara Stanwyck: The Miracle Woman, by Dan Callahan, was just published in February. So to accompany a month’s worth of film reviews, I’ll be snatching up a copy of Callahan’s book and reviewing it towards the end of the month.

But for now, just to kick things off, here’s a look back at some of the Stanwyck-centric reviews we’ve posted over the past two years …

My first post for True Classics, way back in December 2009, was a review of two Stanwyck Christmas classics, Remember the Night (1940) and Christmas in Connecticut (1945).

As part of a review of the Preston Sturges Filmmaker Collection on DVD, I provided a truncated look at Stanwyck’s brilliant performance in The Lady Eve (1941).

Here’s a quick review of Stanwyck’s hilarious turn as a slang-slingin’ burlesque doll in Ball of Fire (1941).

Stanwyck plays the target of Humphrey Bogart’s serial wife murderer in the somewhat strange 1947 film The Two Mrs. Carrolls.

For the CMBA “Movies of 1939” blogathon last spring, I could not resist revisiting Golden Boy, the film that kicked off a lifelong friendship for costars Stanwyck and William Holden.

A guilty pleasure flick if there ever was one, 1943’s Lady of Burlesque again features Stanwyck as a burlesque queen, in one of the better B-flicks of the 1940s.

Stay tuned throughout the month as we post even more Stany goodness!

13 thoughts on “A month of Stany goodness.

  1. Brandie, have you seen Barbara in “Stella Dallas”? It’s considered a woman’s weepie, but she is so wonderful in that! I’m a big fan of precodes, and one of my favorites is “Night Nurse.” That really shows Barbara at her best in taking no nonsense, fighting back, and even standing nose to nose with Clark Gable as a bad guy!

  2. Thanks, everyone! I’m glad to see so much interest in Stanwyck from all of you!

    Becky, Stella and Night Nurse are two of the films on my list to review this month! 🙂

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